A+ Physio


Life expectancy is at its all-time high, the fact that so many people are living longer, well into their 80s and 90s is a wonderful ideal. However, the sad reality is that living longer doesn’t always include a good quality…

Focus on Lymphoedema

What is lymphoedema? Lymph is a high-protein fluid in the body which flows between soft tissues.  Oedema is the scientific term for swelling. Lymphoedema, therefore, is a high-protein swelling resulting from fluid build-up in soft tissues, which then forms a…

Shoulder Dislocations

Shoulder Dislocations   The shoulder is an amazing joint with incredible flexibility. It doesn’t attach directly to the spine, like the hip joint; instead, it is held to the body through a complicated system of musculature and indirectly by the…

How To Beat Workout Soreness

How To Beat Workout Soreness   Most of us are familiar with the post-exercise soreness that comes after a particularly strenuous exercise session. This pain, which is usually accompanied by stiffness and weakness, is often referred to as Delayed Onset…

ACL Reconstructions

A common injury of the knee is a tearing of the ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament). This ligament is very important for stability of the knee and often needs to be repaired surgically. The primary function of the ACL is to…