About Us
Take charge & drive forward
for positive experiences.
Our goal is to treat each client in a way that we’d like our family members to be treated. Our Physiotherapists come from a broad range of backgrounds and expertise, and we’d like to make sure that you receive the best possible care from the provider(s) most suitable for your needs. We thrive on second opinions and inviting you to ask all your questions, raise all your insights and concerns so we can best support you achieving your goals.

You do not need a referral to access our services. We can lodge your ACC claim (when appropriate), assess your injury or condition, start treatment immediately and refer you onward when necessary. We can also refer you for X-ray and Ultrasound scans to Pacific Radiology or Public Hospital when needed for further diagnoses. Dunedin is a great place for team players and we love working alongside a wide range of Health and Wellbeing Professionals for the best outcome for you.
Our Physiotherapists are all Registered ACC providers and able to lodge your claim and provider treatments. It is worth noting that day to day Physiotherapy services are partially funded by ACC and a surcharge applies. Our team is also delivering a range of fully funded ACC contract pathways for clients whom need more comprehensive support. Most of these contracts involve multidisciplinary rehabilitation provider team.
✔ Pain Management Contracts addressing chronic pain following injuries
✔ Stay at Work and Back to Work contracts assisting with return to work
✔ Training for Independence programs enabling clients to achieve maximum independence in self care, home task management, commuting and active participation in the community
✔ Concussion management – multidisciplinary assessment and support following concussion diagnosis
✔Integrated Care Pathway - managing certain shoulder, knee and back injuries alongside your Orthopaedic Surgeon in a coordinated way
Please reach out to ask any questions you may have.
If we find you suffered from a simple sprain or strain you can expect a fast recovery. However, if the injury is more severe, there is nerve involvement or if there is a biomechanical imbalance or chronic condition you can expect a longer period of rehabilitation to achieve long term results. Once pain is under control, stability and basic movement restored; it is important to review and address underlying imbalances, weaknesses, compensatory movements to allow safe return to all activities without risking further injuries.
Some treatment techniques used throughout your appointments:
- Therapeutic Massage
- Trigger point release
- Joint mobilisation; Manipulation
- Advice and education on posture/ balanced movement
- Home, pool and/or gym based exercise programs emailed (or printed) for easy following
- Pilates
- Pain management strategies
- Acupuncture and Cupping
- Taping using rigid tape or kinesio/ elastic tape
- Fitting braces and Formthotics ( heat moulded shoe inserts)
- Hiring crutches
- Referral for further assessment or treatment (eg. X-ray, US; GP; Pharmacist, Medical Specialist,
- Occupational Therapist, Podiatrist, Hand Therapist, Dietitian…)
- Tension headaches
- Stiff neck or wry neck/ Neck pain
- Concussion
- Jaw disorders
- Shoulder pain
- Shoulder dislocation
- Rotator cuff injury
- Elbow fracture
- Tennis elbow/ Golf elbow
- Wrist sprain
- Back pain / back sprain
- Disc prolapse
- Sacro iliac joint sprain
- Hip sprain
- Arthritis of the hip
- Hip replacement
- Buttocks pain
- Hamstring strain
- Knee sprain
- Arthritis of the knee
- Knee replacement
- ACL tear
- Shin splints
- Ankle sprain
- Plantar fasciitis
- Foot pain
- Broken bones after cast/ brace removal
- Chronic pain